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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras

Your search gave 138 results.

  • Locus


    Boulogne-sur-Mer; Picard: Boulonne-su-Mér; Dutch: Bonen; Latin: Gesoriacum or Bononia, often called just Boulogne, is a coastal city in Northern France.
  • Notitia

    Le projet MITHRA

    Laurent Bricault révolutionne les études mithriaques avec l’exposition Le Mystère Mithra. Rencontre à Toulouse avec ce professeur pour une plongée fascinante dans les dernières découvertes sur ce culte invincible.
  • Mithraeum

    Mithréum de Valromey

    This temple of Mithras has been discovered under the Church in Vieux-en-Val-Romey, in 1869.

    TNMM295 – CIMRM 909, 910

  • Monumentum

    Fresco of a knight and a black figure from the Hawarte Mithraeum.

    This painting depicts an Iranian knight holding in a chain a black naked figure with two heads.


  • Liber

    Le culte de Mithra sur la côte septentrionale de la Mer Noire (1966)

    W. Blawatsky et G. Kochelenko, Le culte de Mithra sur la côte septentrionale de la Mer Noire. Leyde, E. J. Brill, 1966. 1 16 X 24 cm, 36 pp., 1 carte, 16 pli., 1 frontispice (Études PRÉLIMINAIRES AUX RELIGIONS ORIENTALES DANS L'EMPIRE VIII). Prix : …
  • Notitia

    Du Mithraïsme à la Franc-maçonnerie. Une histoire des idées

    Douze siècles séparent le déclin du Mithraïsme romain de l'aube de la Franc-maçonnerie. Douze siècles pendant lesquels les mystères de Mithra sont restés plus secrets que jamais.
  • Liber

    The Cult of Mithras in the Roman Provinces of Gaul (1974)

    On ne saurait qu'applaudir à l'idée qu'a eue V. J. Walters de faire le point des découvertes mithriaques en Gaule romaine. Son projet reste dominé par le découpage administratif des « Roman provinces of Gaul ». Mais compte tenu de l'ensemble que ce…
  • Monumentum

    Altar of Firmidius Severinus from Geneva

    This limestone altar bears an inscription from its donor, Firmidius Severinus, in honour of Mithras after 26 years of service in the Legio VIII Augusta.

    TNMM599 – CIMRM 916

    Deo invicto / genio loci / Firmidius Se/verinus mi(les) /leg(ionis) VIII aug(ustae) p(iae) f(idelis) / c(onstantis) C(ommodae) stip(endiorum) XXVI aram / ex voto pro salute / sua v(otum) s(olvit) l(ib…
  • Syndexios

    Chyndonax (Χυνδόναξ)

    The cenders of Chyndonax were found on an urn with an inscription that reads High Priest of Mithras.
  • Mithraeum

    Mithréum de Biesheim-Kunheim

    The Mithraeum of Biesheim-Kunheim is located near the ancient village of Altkirch, near the Rhin.


  • Monumentum

    Aion of Mitreo Fagan

    The marble Aion from the lost Mithraeum Fagan, Ostia, now presides the entrance to the Vatican Library.

    TNMM116 – CIMRM 312, 313

    C. Valeri/us Heracles pat(er) / et C(aii) Valerii / Vitalis et Nico/mes sacerdo/tes s(ua) p(e)c(unia) p(o)s(ue)r(unt). / D(e)d(icatum) idi(bus) aug(ustis) im(peratore) / Com(odo) / VI et / Septi/miano…
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of the Mithraeum of Lucciana

    The archeologists have found three fragments of the Tauroctony of Lucciana, which includes Cautes and Cautopates.


  • Monumentum

    Mithraic relief of Baris

    The mithraic relief of Baris, current Turkey, depicts a proto version of the Tauroctony with a winged Mithras surrounded by two Victories.


  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo del caseggiato di Diana

    The Mithraeum of the House of Diana was installed in two Antonine halls, northeast corner of the House of Diana, in the late 2nd or early 3rd century.

    TNMM5 – CIMRM 216

  • Liber

    Mithriaca IV. Le Monument d'Ottaviano Zeno et le culte de Mithra sur le Célius (1978)

    Ce 4e fascicule de Mithriaca concerne un très curieux monument exhumé au XVIe siècle sur le site d'un Mithraeum qu'on localise tout près de l'église S. Maria in Domnica, non loin de S. Stefano Rotondo où un autre spelaeum fut mis au jour en 1973.
  • Monumentum

    Mithras hunting from Dura Europos

    In this fresco from Dura Europos, Mithras is represented as a hunter accompanied by the lion and the serpent.

    TNMM286 – CIMRM 52

  • Mithraeum

    Mithraeum of Caesarea Maritima

    This shrine developed towards the end of 2nd century and remained active until beginning 4th.


  • Liber

    The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire. Mysteries of the Unconquered Sun (2007)

    Roger Beck describes Mithraism from the point of view of the initiate engaging with the religion and its rich symbolic system in thought, word, ritual action, and cult life.
  • Liber

    Mithriaca III. The Mithraeum at Marino (1982)

    This magnificently illustrated publication renews the Mithraic dossier on the basis of concrete data, with caution and penetration. Marino's discovery is disconcerting and rekindles the controversy about the order in which bands should be read.