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He is the painter of most of the frescoes in the mithraeum of Dura Europos.

  • Inscription in column at Dura Europos

    Inscription in column at Dura Europos
    Yale University Press 

  • Fresco on top of the main altar of Dura Europos.

    Fresco on top of the main altar of Dura Europos.
    Yale University 

  • Franz Cumont poses in front of the main altar at the Mithraeum of Dura Europos

    Franz Cumont poses in front of the main altar at the Mithraeum of Dura Europos
    Yale University 

of Mareinos


Mareinos or Mareos is known for his frescoes in the Mithraeum of Dura Europos. His paintings are dated to the first half of the 3rd century AD. Most of his work is relatively well preserved. One of them includes the word Nama followed by his name. Nama is a word of Persian origin used as a form of blessing in the Mithras cult, so Mareos was most likely a follower of Mithraism.

Furthermore, we know of a certain Mareneios who, if it is indeed the same man, was μελλόλέων, meaning 'about to become a lion', then λέων or 'new lion'. A homonym –or is it always the same?– mentioned after two Fathers (TNMM 468) is presented as τετίτω or candidate, before being described as ἀντίπατρος, that is, antipater, a title whose exact meaning remains to be defined.


Column with inscription from Dura Europos

TNMM 468

The inscription pays homage to the emperor, probably Caracalla, to Mithras, the fathers, the petitor and the syndexioi.

Ὓπὲρ Νίκης του Κυρί/ου ἡμων Αὐτοκράτορος / Νάμα θεῷ Μίθρᾳ / νάμα πάτρασι Λιβει/ανῷ καὶ Θεωδώρῳ / νάμα καὶ Μαρείνῳ πε/τίτορι νάμα πᾶσι τοῖς / συνδεξίοις παρὰ τῳ θε[ῷ].
For the victory of our lord the emperor. Homage to the god Mithras. Homage to the fathers Libeianos and Theodoros. Homage also to Mareinos the petitor. Homage to all syndexioi, before the god.

Fresco with tauroctony and seven cypresses

TNMM 422

This enigmatic fresco on top of the main tauroctony shows Mithras killing the bull, accompanied by Cautes and Cautopates, surrounded by burning altars and cypress trees.

Νάμα Μαρέῳ ζωγράφῳ.
For the salvation of Mareos, the painter.

Mithraeum of Dura Europos


The most emblematic of the Syrian Mithraea was discovered in 1933 by a team led by the Russian historian Mikhaïl Rostovtzeff.



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