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Dura Europos

Dura-Europos was a Hellenistic, Parthian and Roman frontier city built on the Euphrates River. It was founded around 300 BC by Seleucus I Nicator. The Romans took Dura-Europos in 165 AD.

Mithraic monuments of Dura Europos


Mithraeum of Dura Europos

The most emblematic of the Syrian Mithraea was discovered in 1933 by a team led by the Russian historian Mikhaïl Rostovtzeff.



First Tauroctony relief of Dura Europos

One of the reliefs of the Dura Europos tauroctonies includes several characters with their respective names.



Sol and Mithras fresco of Dura Europos

Sol watches Mithras as he gazes Mithras gazes up to heaven while sharing the sacred meal.



Mithras hunting from Dura Europos

In this fresco from Dura Europos, Mithras is represented as a hunter accompanied by the lion and the serpent.



Main Tauroctony relief from Dura Europos

The main relief of Mithras killing the bull from the Mithraeum of Dura Europos includes three persons named Zenobius, Jariboles and Barnaadath.



Frescoes of 'Magis' from Dura Europos

Some scholars have speculated that the scrolls both figures hold in their hands represent Eastern doctrines brought to the Western world.



Fresco with tauroctony and seven cypresses

This enigmatic fresco on top of the main tauroctony shows Mithras killing the bull, accompanied by Cautes and Cautopates, surrounded by burning altars and cypress trees.



Graffiti to Kamerios from Dura Europos Mithraeum

The text mentions a certain Kamerios, described as immaculate miles.



Column with inscription from Dura Europos

The inscription pays homage to the emperor, probably Caracalla, to Mithras, the fathers, the petitor and the syndexioi.



Dipinto in red letters from Dura Europos

This short dipinto pays homage to the Lions and the Persians, the 4th and 5th Mithraic degrees.



Scratched words of Kamerios

'Hail to Kamerios the Pater' can be read on one of the walls of the mithraeum at Dura Europos.



Inscription to Tourmasgade of Dura Europos

This inscription by a certain Ioulianos, found at the entrance to the Dolichenum at Dura Europos, bears an inscription to Zeus Helios Mithras et Tourmasgade.



Altars of Dura Europos

Three plaster altars within the main altar of the Mithraeum of Dura Europos, two of them with traces of fire and cinders.



Engraved column by Maximus of Dura Europos

A certain Maximus from the Legio IV Scythica engraved his name in one of the columns of the Mithraeum of Dura Europos.


Inscriptions of Dura Europos

Ἔθφανει ἰστρατηγα
Ethphani, strategist.
In good memory. Made by Ethpeni the strategist, son of Zabdē'ā, commander of the archers who are in Dura. In the month of Adar in the year 480.

First Tauroctony relief of Dura Europos

Θεοῦ (sic) Μίθραν ἐπόησεν Ζηνόβιος ὁ καὶ Εἰαειβᾶς Ἰαριβωλέους / στρατεγὸς τοξοτῶν ἔτους δευτέρου πυ̕.
He made (this image) of the god Mithra, Zenobios, who is also Iahiba, son of Iarhiboles, commander (strategos) of the archers, two years after the year 480.

Main Tauroctony relief from Dura Europos

Νάμα Μαρέῳ ζωγράφῳ.
For the salvation of Mareos, the painter.

Fresco with tauroctony and seven cypresses

Νάμα Καμ/ερίω στρα/τιώτη / άκερίω.
Hommage a Kamerios, miles immaculé.

Graffiti to Kamerios from Dura Europos Mithraeum

Ὓπὲρ Νίκης του Κυρί/ου ἡμων Αὐτοκράτορος / Νάμα θεῷ Μίθρᾳ / νάμα πάτρασι Λιβει/ανῷ καὶ Θεωδώρῳ / νάμα καὶ Μαρείνῳ πε/τίτορι νάμα πᾶσι τοῖς / συνδεξίοις παρὰ τῳ θε[ῷ].
For the victory of our lord the emperor. Homage to the god Mithras. Homage to the fathers Libeianos and Theodoros. Homage also to Mareinos the petitor. Homage to all syndexioi, before the god.

Column with inscription from Dura Europos

[Νά]μα λέουσιν / [ἁβρ ?]οῖς χαὶ Περσέσ/[ιν. .] ἐλεμνοις.
Tribute to the Lions [?] and to the Persians [---].

Dipinto in red letters from Dura Europos

Patri / vita / Ka/merio.
Long live Pater Kamerio.

Scratched words of Kamerios

Διὶ Ἡλίῳ / Μίθρᾳ άγί/ῳ ὑψίστῳ / ἐπηκόῳ / Τουρμασγά/δη [---] Ἰου/[λιαν-]ὸς στρα(τιώτης) / [λε]γ(εῶνος) ις´ Φ(λαουίας) Φ(ίρμης) / [Ἀν]τωνινια/νῆς.
To Zeus Helios Mithras, the most high saint who hears the prayers, Tourmasgade, Ioulianos, a soldier of the legion XVI Flavia Firma Antoniana.

Inscription to Tourmasgade of Dura Europos

Nam[a] / Maximus / scen[i]co / leg(ionis) IIII Sc(ythicae).

Engraved column by Maximus of Dura Europos