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Vettius Agorius Praetextatus

Pater patrum and Pater sacrorum among other titles.

  • Grave inscription of Vettius Agorius Praetextatus and his wife Paulina

    Grave inscription of Vettius Agorius Praetextatus and his wife Paulina
    Musei Capitolini 

of Vettius Agorius Praetextatus


As Proconsul for Achaea, Praetextatus was a renowned defender of the mysteries of Eleusis and a leading figure in the so-called ‘pagan revival’ of the fourth century CE. His sacred cursus honurum (ladder of offices) serves to highlight the depth of his commitment to both Hellenistic and Roman sacred traditions, and perhaps more particularly, to their most esoteric expression – the sacred mystery cults dedicated to the gods.

—Peter Mark Adams (2022)

As mention on the altar CIMRM 420 Vettius Agorius Praetextatus was Augur, Pontiff of Vesta, Pontiff of Sol, member of the Board of Fifteen, Priest of Hercules, initiated into the mysteries of the Liber and the Eleusinian gods, introducer into the sacred service, temple overseer, initiated into the bull sacrifice, father of the father of the fathers [in the Mithras cult], but in the community Quaestor as candidate of the emperor, praetor urbanus, corrector of Etruria and Umbria, consular governor of Lusitania, proconsul of Achaia, city prefect, seven times sent as a legate of the Senate [to the Emperor to Constantinople], Praetorian Prefect of Italy and Illyria, designated regular consul, and Aconia Fabia Paulina, Hekate of Aegina, initiated to the bull sacrifice, inititated into the sacred divine service. These two have lived together for 40 years.

Prétextatus (Vettius Agorius Praetextatus), né vers 310, a près de soixante-quatorze ans à la date fictive du dialogue les Saturnales (383) qui précède de peu sa mort. Il a exercé les plus hautes fonctions : prefet de la ville en 367-368, année du conflit entre les deux papes Damase et Ursin, préfet du Pretoire d’Illyrie, d’Italie et d’Afrique en 384, il meurt la meme année, consul désigné. Prétextatus fut membre de la plupart des grands collèges sacerdotaux (augure, pontife, quindecemuir), il fut aussi associé aux grands cultes orientaux, Sérapis (neocorus), la Grande Mère des dieux (tauroboliatus), Mithra (pater sacrorum). L’attachement au culte traditionnel, l’initiation aux mystères, la dévotion aux divinités orientales caractérisent l’attitude religieuse de cet illustre représentant du paganisme, auteur du long développement sur la théologie solaire dans les Saturnales (1, 17-23). Durant sa préture, il restaure le Portique des Di Consentes; sous Valentinien fer, Prétextatus en tant que gouverneur d’Achaïe (il avait été nommé à ce poste par Julien) proteste contre l’interdiction des sacrifices nocturnes, ce qui compromettait la célébration des mystères grecs. Dans les Saturnales, il est le spécialiste des questions religieuses, expliquant la fête des Saturnales (I, 7, 17-1, 10), exposant l’histoire du calendrier romain (I, 12-16), montrant la science religieuse de Virgile (I, 24, 16; m, 1, 12). Il apparaît surtout comme le représentant des conceptions syncrétistes et orientalisantes face au traditionalisme.

—Guittard (2022) Les Saturnales


Altar of Vettius Agrorius Praetextatus

TNMM 273

The marble altar mentions Vettius Agrorius Praetextatus as Pater Sacrorum and Patrum and his wife Aconia Fabia Paulina.

D(is) M(anibus).
Vettius Agorius Praetextatus
augur, p[o]ntifex Vestae,
pontifex Sol[is], quindecemvir
curialis Herc[u]lis, sacratus
Libero et Eleusiniis, hierophanta,
neocorus, tauroboliatus,
pater patrum, in [r]e publica vero
quaestor candidatus,
corrector Tusciae et Umbriae,
consularis Lusitaniae,
proconsule Achaiae,
praefectus urbi,
legatus a senatu missus V,
praefectus praetorio {II} Italiae et
Illyrici, consul ordinarius
et Aconia Fabia Paulina, c(larissima) f(emina),
sacrata Cereri et Eleusiniis,
sacrata apud (A)eginam Hecatae,
tauroboliata, hierophantria.
hi coniuncti simul vixerunt ann(os) XL.
To the Manes.
Vettius Agorius Praetextatus, Augur, Pontiff of Vesta, Pontiff of Sol, member of the Board of Fifteen, Priest of Hercules, initiated into the mysteries of the Liber and the Eleusinian gods, introducer into the sacred service, temple overseer, initiated into the bull sacrifice, father of fathers [in the Mithras cult], but in the community Quaestor as candidate of the emperor, praetor urbanus, corrector of Etruria and Umbria, consular governor of Lusitania, proconsul of Achaia, city prefect, seven times sent as a legate of the Senate [to the Emperor to Constantinople], Praetorian Prefect of Italy and Illyria, designated regular consul, and Aconia Fabia Paulina, Hekate of Aegina, initiated to the bull sacrifice, inititated into the sacred divine service. These two have lived together for forty years.



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