This marble slab found near the Casa de Diana in Ostia bears two inscription with several names of brothers of a same community
TNMM488 – CIMRM 223
[M. Lollia]no Callinico / [patre Pe]tronius Felix / [Marsus sign]um deo / [donum] ded(it) / . . . atus xinu . . . / fecit.
M. M. Caer[ellius Hiero]/nimus et C[allinic]/us sacerdo[tes et antisti]/es…
These two parallel altars to the diophores were dedicated by the Pater and a Leo from the Mithraeum of S. Stefano Rotondo.
Deo Cautae / Aur(elius) Sabinus, pa/ter huius loci, / et Bebius Quinti/anus ex voto posu/erunt.
Leo vivas / cum Caedicio / patre.
Deo Cautae/opathi / Aur(elius) Sabinus, / pater huius loci, / et …