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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras..

Your search gave 353 results.

  • Monumentum

    Slab of Sol Invictus

    The slab of the Sun god has not yet connected to Mithras.

    TNMM249 – CIMRM 373

    Soli invicto / pro salute imp(eratorum) / et genio n(umeri) / eq(uitum) sing(ula- rium) / eorum M. Ulp(ius) / Chresimus sace[rd(os)] / Iovis Dolich[eni] / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) l(aetus) [m(erito)]
  • Monumentum

    Aion from Muti's gardens

    The lion-headed marble from Muti's gardens has a serpent entwined in four coils around his body.

    TNMM296 – CIMRM 551

  • Mithraeum

    Mithraeum under the Basilica of S. Lorenzo

    In 1938 this Mithraeum was found 3.45 mtrs under the Basilica of S. Lorenzo in Damaso, in a cellar near the Sacrament's Chapel.

    TNMM438 – CIMRM 421

  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of the Villa Borghese

    This relief of Mithras slaying the bull was erected in Piazza del Campidoglio, moved to Villa Borghese and is now in the Louvre Museum.

    TNMM131 – CIMRM 415, 416

    Nama Sebesio. / Deo Soli invict[o] Mitrhe (sic!) / C(aii) Aufidii Ianuarius [et…] Nam/a/ ne CS
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Santo Stefano Rotondo

    The relief of Mithras killing the bull of Stefano Rotodon preserves part of his polycromy and depicts two unusual figures: Hesperus and an owl.


  • Monumentum

    Altar to Mithras at the Walters Art Museum

    This altar bears an inscription to the health of the emperor Commodus by a certain Marcus Aurelius, his father and two other fellows.

    TNMM542 – CIMRM 510

    Soli Invicto / Mithrae / pro salute Commod(i) / Antonini Aug(usti) domin(i) n(ostri) / M(arcus) Aurel(ius) Stertinius / Carpus una cum Carpo / proc(uratore) k(astrensi) patre et Her/mioneo et Balbino …
  • Monumentum

    Bronze inscription from Aldobrandini

    This plaque, now on display in the British Museum, may have come from the Aldobrandini Mithraeum in Ostia.

    TNMM119 – CIMRM 234, 235

  • Mithraeum

    Mithraeum of the Baths of Caracalla

    The Mitreo delle terme di Caracalla is one of the largest temples dedicated to Mithras ever found in Rome.

    TNMM16 – CIMRM 457

  • Monumentum

    Inscription of Santi Marcellino e Pietro al Laterano

    This inscription mentions a Pater for the first known time.

    TNMM511 – CIMRM 362

    Soli / invicto Mithrae / T. Flavius Aug(usti) lib(ertus) Hyginus / Ephebianus / d(onum) d(edit). Ἡλίῳ Μίθραι / Τ(ίτος) Φλάουιος Ὑγεῖος / διὰ Λολλίου Ρο…
  • Syndexios

    Aulus Aemilius Antoninus

    The pater Aulus Aemilianus Antoninus dedicated an altar to Cautes in the Mitreo delle Pareti Dipinte.
  • Monumentum

    Altar at Caseggiato di Diana

    This altar was originally consecrated to Hercules and was rededicated to Mithras by Callinicus in the Mithraeum of the House of Diana.

    TNMM582 – CIMRM 219, 220

    M. Lollianus / Callinicus pater / aram deo / do(num) de(dit)
  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo dei Serpenti

    The Mithraeum of the Snakes preserves paintings of serpents, representing Genius Loci, part of an older private sanctuary, which were respected in the temple of Mithras.

    TNMM8 – CIMRM 294

  • Syndexios

    Nigidius Figulus

    Pythagorean and mage.
  • Monumentum

    Grand camée de France

    Some authors have speculated that the flying figure dressed in oriental style and holding a globe could be Mithras.


  • Monumentum

    Aion of Orazio Muti

    This monument has been identified from 'Memorie di varie antichità trovate in diversi luoghi della città di Roma', a book by Flaminio Vacca of 1594.


  • Monumentum

    Aion of Villa Albani

    White marble statue of Lion-head god of time, formerly in the Villa Albani, nowadays in the Musei Vaticani.

    TNMM123 – CIMRM 545

  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo di Fructosus

    The Mithraeum of Frutosus was in a temple assigned to the guild of the stuppatores.

    TNMM40 – CIMRM 226

  • Monumentum

    Inscription of Victorinus from Tibur

    This tabula marmorea was consecrated by a certain slave Vitorinus in Tibur, nowadays Tivoli, near Rome.

    TNMM569 – CIMRM 214

    Soli invicto Mithrae. / Sicuti ipse se in visu / iussit refici / Victorinus Caes(aris) n(ostri) / verna dispensator / numini praesenti suis in/pend(i)s reficiendum / curavit dedicav[itque]. / Nama cun…
  • Syndexios


    Slave of the imperial family and dispensator who repaired an image of Mithras in Tibur, near Rome.
  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo Aldobrandini

    The Mithraeum of Aldobrandini was excavated in 1924 by G. Calza on the premises belonging to the Aldobrandini family.

    TNMM42 – CIMRM 232

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