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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras

Your search gave 275 results.

  • Syndexios

    Aulus Caedicius Priscianus

    Eques Romanus and Pater active in S. Stefano Rotondo.
  • Monumentum

    Altars to Cautes and Cautopates of Stefano Rotondo

    These two parallel altars to the diophores were dedicated by the Pater and a Leo from the Mithraeum of S. Stefano Rotondo.


    Deo Cautae / Aur(elius) Sabinus, pa/ter huius loci, / et Bebius Quinti/anus ex voto posu/erunt. Leo vivas / cum Caedicio / patre. Deo Cautae/opathi / Aur(elius) Sabinus, / pater huius loci, / et …
  • Monumentum

    Petrogeny of Santo Stefano Rotondo

    The sculpture of Mithras rock-birth from Santo Stefano Rotondo bears an inscription of Aurelius Bassinus, curator of the cult.


    Petram genetricem / Aur(elius) Bassinus aedituus / principiorum cast(rorum) pereg(rinorum) / dedicavit hoc in loco et d(ono) d(edit) / antistante A(ulo) Caedicio / Prisciano eq(uite) R(omano) patre
  • Syndexios

    Aurelius Sabinus

    Equites and Pater at Mithraeum Santo Stefano Rotondo.
  • Syndexios

    A. Sergius Eutychus

    Pater Sacrorum at Mithraeum Circo Massimo.
  • Syndexios

    Lucius Septimius Archelaus

    A freedman of Septimius Severus, he was Pater and priest of the invincible Mithras, as mentioned in a marble inscription found in Rome.
  • Syndexios

    Tiberius Claudius Hermes

    He commissioned the main cult relief found in the Mithraeum of Circo Massimo.
  • Syndexios

    Lucius Agrius Fructosus

    Patron of the Ostian college of stuppatores
  • Syndexios

    Cossius Atinianus

    Pater at Mithraeum Circo Massimo
  • Syndexios


    He offered an inscription that was walled into the Barberini Mithraeum.
  • Monumentum

    Marble slab with inscription from Mitreo Barberini

    The inscription mentions the name of the donor, Yperanthes, of Persian origin.

    TNMM466 – CIMRM 391

    Yperanthes / basem inbicto / donum / dedit [ab Mitra].
  • Monumentum

    Altar in Mitreo di Marino

    The monument is engraved with an inscription by Cresces, the donor.


    Invicto Ideo / Cresces / actor / Alfi / Seberi / d(onum) p(osuit).
  • Syndexios

    Aurelius Bassinus

    Guardian of the headquarters (principia) of the Peregrine camp.
  • Monumentum

    Inscription found in the Mitreo delle Sette Sfere

    As this short inscription indicates, Aemilio Epaphorodito was both Pater and priest of the Mithraeum of the Seven Spheres.

    TNMM462 – CIMRM 249

    M. Aemilio / Epaphrodito / patre et sacerdote.
  • Syndexios

    Gaius Caelius Ermero

    Antistes of several mithraea in Ostia.
  • Monumentum

    Cautes and Cautópates of Palazzo Imperiale

    The sculptures of Cautes and Cautopates from the Mitreo del Palazzo Imperiale may have been reused from an older mithraeum in Ostia.

    TNMM143 – CIMRM 254, 255

    C(aius) Caelius / Ermeros / ant/istes huius lo/ci fecit sua / pec(unia). Posit(a)e XV k(alendas) / febr(u)arias / Q(uinto) Iunio Rus/tico / L(ucio) Plaut[io] / Aquilin[o] / co[(n)s(ulibus)].
  • Syndexios


    Imperial slave and an overseer of the Imperial estates who dedicated a Tauroctony to the Invincible god Sol.
  • Syndexios

    Nonius Victor Olympus

    Pater Patrum and Senator. He was also the patriarch of the Olympian dynasty, overseeing a Mithraic community in the centre of Rome.
  • Monumentum

    Fragments of plaque from Circo Massimo

    The inscription mentions the Pater Cossio Atiano.

    TNMM458 – CIMRM 451

    ... ub sedente / Cossio / [A]tiniano / patre.