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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras..

Your search gave 117 results.

  • Mithraeum

    Mithraeum III of Carnuntum

    Mithraeum III found in the west part of Petronell near Hintausried in August 1894 by J. Dell and C. Tragau.

    TNMM191 – CIMRM 1682

  • Monumentum

    Inscription of Aurelius Iustinianus from Ptuj

    This inscription belongs to the 4th mithraeum found in the modern town of Ptuj.

    TNMM644 – CIMRM 1614

    Templum / dei{i} Sol(is) Inv(icti) Mit(hrae) / Aure[l(ius)] Iusti/nianus v(ir) p(erfectissimus) / dux labefa/ctatum re/stituit.
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony medallion of Transylvania

    This medallion belongs to a specific category of rounded pieces found in other provinces of the Roman world.

    TNMM430 – CIMRM 2187

  • Monumentum

    Flavius Aper altar (CIMRM 1584)

    The altar of Ptuj depicts Mithras and Sol on the front and the water miracle on the right side.

    TNMM255 – CIMRM 1584, 1585

    D(eo) S(oli) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / pro sal(ute) d(omini) n(ostri) Gallieni p(ii) f(elicis) / invicti Aug(usti) Fl(avius) Aper v(ir) e(gregius) l(ibens) m(erito).
  • Monumentum

    Relief fragment of Ptuj

    Several Mithraic scenes, including Mithras with Saturn, Mithras with Sol and Mithras' Ascension, are depicted on this fragment of a relief from Ptuj.

    TNMM391 – CIMRM 1579

  • Mithraeum

    Mithraeum of Rožanec

    According to Hitzinger remnants of animal bones were found in front of the relief of the Mithraeum at Rozanec.

    TNMM37 – CIMRM 1481

    D(eo) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / d(omino) P(ublius) P(ublii) Aelii Nepos et / Proculus et Firminus / pro salute sua suorumque.
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony relief of Fertőrákos

    The main cultic relief of Mithras slaying the bull of Fertorakos was carved into the rock face.

    TNMM170 – CIMRM 1642

    ---] fecit inpendio suo
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Dunaújváros (Intercisa)

    The relief of Mithras slaying the bull of Danaújváros was found broken into three parts in a tomb looted in antiquity.

    TNMM411 – CIMRM 1838

  • Monumentum

    Mithras rock-birth of Mithraeum III, Ptuj

    Cautes and Cautopates attend the birth of Mithras from the rock in the Petrogenia of the third Mithraeum of Ptuj.

    TNMM204 – CIMRM 1593, 1594

    D(eo) S(oli) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / pro sal(ute) officialium Apri prae/positi leg(ionum) V M(acedonicae) et XIII gem(inae) / Galli(enarum).
  • Locus


    Aquincum was an ancient city, situated on the northeastern borders of the province of Pannonia within the Roman Empire.
  • Locus


    Brigetio, which became Szőny, was an independent town until 1977, when it was incorporated into Komárom. The Roman legion Legio I Adiutrix was stationed here from 86 AD until the middle of the 5th century.
  • Locus


    Budaörs is a town in Pest County, in the metropolitan area of Budapest, Hungary. Before the Romans, the Celtic tribe of Eraviscus occupied the area for about 100 years.
  • Locus


    Carnuntum was a Roman legionary fortress and headquarters of the Pannonian fleet from 50 AD. After the 1st century, it was capital of the Pannonia Superior province. It also became a large city of 50,000 inhabitants.
  • Locus


    Intecisa was a military camp and town located in the Roman Province of Pannonia, now known as Dunaújváros, bordering Western Hungary.
  • Locus


    The Romans controlled Poetovium until the 1st century BC. It became the base camp of the Legio XIII Gemina, where they built a castrum.
  • Locus


    Rožanec is a settlement north of the town of Črnomelj in the White Carniola area of southeastern Slovenia.
  • Locus


    Sisak is a city in central Croatia, spanning the confluence of the Kupa, Sava and Odra rivers, 57 km southeast of the Croatian capital Zagreb, and is usually considered to be where the Posavina begins, with an elevation of 99 m.
  • Monumentum

    Altar to Sol by brothers of Budaors

    This fragmented altar was erected by two brothers from the Legio II Adiutrix who also built a temple.

    TNMM558 – CIMRM 1793

    Sol(i) Soc(io) / M(arcus) Aur(elius) Fron/tinianus / et M(arcus) Aur(elius) Fr[o]/nto mil(ites) leg(ionis) /II Ad(iutricis) fratres / templ(um) const(ituerunt) / Antonino / IIII co(n)s(ule).
  • Monumentum

    Felsgeburt des Mithras

    Mithras Petrogenitus, born from the rock, from the Mithraeum of Carnuntum III.

    TNMM237 – CIMRM 1687

  • Monumentum

    Altar by Hermanio of Poetovio

    A certain Hermanio has been identified in the dedication of several monuments in different cities in Dacia and even in Rome.


    Cauti // pro salute Fl(avi) / Hermadionis / et Aviti Syriac(i) / et filiorum / Felix libert(us)
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