Brothers active in Poetovio
Mithraic monuments of Poetovio
Mithraeum III of Ptuj
Mithraeum III in Ptuj was built in two periods: the original walls were made of pebbles, while the extension of a later period was made of brick.
CIMRM 1578
Mithraeum I of Ptuj
The Mithraeum I of Ptuj contains the foundation, altars, reliefs and cult imagery found in it.
CIMRM 1487
Mithras rock-born from Ptuj
The sculpture includes a serpent climbing the rock from which Mithras is born.
CIMRM 1492
Mithraeum II of Ptuj
Mithraeum II was found at Ptuj at a distance of 20 m south of the Mithraeum I in 1901.
CIMRM 1509
Mithras rock-birth of Mithraeum III, Ptuj
Cautes and Cautopates attend the birth of Mithras from the rock in the Petrogenia of the third Mithraeum of Ptuj.
CIMRM 1593
Flavius Aper altar (CIMRM 1584)
The altar of Ptuj depicts Mithras and Sol on the front and the water miracle on the right side.
CIMRM 1584
Mithras taurophorus of Ptuj
The sculpture of Mithras carrying the bull includes an inscription on its base.
CIMRM 1494
Relief fragment of Ptuj
Several Mithraic scenes, including Mithras with Saturn, Mithras with Sol and Mithras' Ascension, are depicted on this fragment of a relief from Ptuj.
CIMRM 1579
Altar with inscription and symbolic figures from Ptuj
This altar from Ptuj, present-day Poetovio, is decorated with various Mithraic animals such as a tortoise, a cock and a crow and other objects.
CIMRM 1496
Tauroctony on altar of Ptuj
Remarkable fragmentary sculpture of Mithras slaying the bull on an inscribed altar found in Mithraeum III at Ptuj.
CIMRM 1589
Mithraeum V of Ptuj
Part of the finds from the fifth Mithraeum of Ptuj is kept in the Hotel Mitra in the modern city.
Altar by Hermanio of Poetovio
A certain Hermanio has been identified in the dedication of several monuments in different cities in Dacia and even in Rome.
Inscription of Aurelius Iustinianus from Ptuj
This inscription belongs to the 4th mithraeum found in the modern town of Ptuj.
CIMRM 1614
Mithraic vignettes of Ptuj
These fragments of a cult relief of Mithras were found at the Mithraeum II of Ptuj, Slovenia.
CIMRM 1510
Altar with Sol from Ptuj
This altar, found in the 3rd mithraeum of Ptuj, bears an inscription and a relief of Sol and a person with a cornucopia.
CIMRM 1591
Inscriptions of Poetovio
Mithras rock-birth of Mithraeum III, Ptuj
Flavius Aper altar (CIMRM 1584)
Altar with inscription and symbolic figures from Ptuj
Inscription of Aurelius Iustinianus from Ptuj
- Attilio Mastrocinque (2017) The Mysteries of Mithras. A different account
- Bricault; Roy (2021) Les cultes de Mithra dans l'Empire Romain
- Epigraphic Database Heidelberg. Altar by Hermanio of Poetovio in EDH
- Epigraphic Database Heidelberg. Altar for Cautopates from Ptuj in EDH
- Epigraphic Database Heidelberg. Altar with Sol from Ptuj in EDH
- Epigraphic Database Heidelberg. Altar with inscription and symbolic figures from Ptuj in EDH
- Epigraphic Database Heidelberg. Mithras taurophorus of Ptuj in EDH
- Epigraphic Database Heidelberg. Tauroctony on altar of Ptuj in EDH
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Altar by Hermanio of Poetovio in EDCS
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Altar for Cautopates from Ptuj in EDCS
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Altar with Sol from Ptuj in EDCS
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Altar with inscription and symbolic figures from Ptuj in EDCS
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Inscription of Aurelius Iustinianus from Ptuj in EDCS
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Mithras taurophorus of Ptuj in EDCS
- Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby. Tauroctony on altar of Ptuj in EDCS
- Gabriel Simeoni (2023) The Father of Mithras
- István Tóth (1992) A Dacian 'Apostle' of the cult of Mithras?
- (2020) Altar für Mithras und Transitus
- Marcel Le Glay (1954) Le Mithraeum de Lambèse
- Szabó Csaba (2022) Mithraeum I, III and V in Poetovio (Ptuj, Slovenia)
- Ubi Erat Lupa (2020) Weihung für Mithras
- Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2024) M(arcus) Valerius Maximianus
- Visit Ptuj (2020) Mithras shrines. Mithraeum I and III
- Hotel Mitra
- Mithras Shrine I Mithras shrine III – Regional Museum of Ptuj