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Peter Mark Adams,
Mithras and the Renaissance

For the launch of our YouTube channel, we chat with the author, poet, essayist and friend Peter Mark Adams about the Sola-Busca tarot, a Renaissance masterpiece, uncovering ties to the Mithras cult.

Andreu Abuín


News and articles
from The New Mithraeum


    Re-interpreting the Mysteries of Mithras

    Ernest Renan suggested that without the rise of Christianity, we might all have embraced the cult of Mithras. Nevertheless, it has had a lasting influence on secret societies, religious movements and popular culture.


    The MITHRA Project

    Laurent Bricault has revolutionised Mithraic studies with the exhibition The Mystery of Mithras. Meet this professor in Toulouse for a fascinating look at the latest discoveries and what lies ahead.


    The Father of Mithras

    It is well known that Mithras was born from a rock. However, less has been written about the father of the solar god, and especially about how he conceived him.


    Mithras in Hispania

    On the occasion of the discovery of a Mithraeum in Cabra, Spain, we talk to Jaime Alvar, a leading figure in the field of Mithraism. With him, we examine the testimonies known to date and the peculiarities of the cult of Mithras in Hispania.

More news on Mithras



Press clips

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Some places to visit

  • Mithréum des Bolards

    The Mithraeum des Bolards was integrated into a therapeutic cultural complex related to healing waters.

  • Mithräum von Künzing

    The Mithraeum of Kunzing was an underground building, oriented east-west. The entrance was probably on the east.

  • Mithräum von Dieburg

    There are references to two places of worship from Dieburg, whereby the Mithraeum, discovered in 1926.

  • Mitreo della domus dei capitelli

    Archaeologists discovered the 20th temple dedicated to Mithras in Ostia during the restoration of the domus del capitello di stucco in 2022.



Guest insights

Chris Huff

The Rudchester (Vidobala) Mithraeum Sometime before 1772 an unfinished altar was found at Rudchest…

on Mithraeum of Rudchester

Thank you for sharing it and congratulations for your beautiful and interesting work.

on Tauroctony of Santa Maria Capua Vetere


Ron Kassav

For rectification, Saïda or Sidon is in Lebanon

on Mithraeum of Sidon


Robert Fritzius

According to Robert J. Bull (February 2011) this Mithraeum has been demolished.

on Mithraeum of Caesarea Maritima

Indeed, Dionisia. Thanks for noticing. Well corrected.

on Aion of Villa Albani

Many thanks, Ines. Both pages have been merged.

on Mithräum von Schwarzerden



I am a devotee of Mithras Thank you for this interview. I think the author is right when he highligh…

on The MITHRA Project


Jaime Alvar

New excavations in the Villa del Mitra (Nov 22-February 23) have provided a room with benches and co…


Dominique PERSOONS

Hello Gabriel, the article you present on the relationship between the religion of the unconquered…

on From Mithraism to Freemasonry. A history of ideas

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