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The New Mithraeum Database

Find news, articles, monuments, persons, books and videos related to the Cult of Mithras

Your search gave 118 results.

  • Syndexios


    Fructus was the slave who paid for the erection of the Mitreo del Sabazeo in Ostia.
  • Syndexios

    Lucius Sempronius

    Offered a throne to Sol god in Ostia.
  • Syndexios

    Marcus Caerellius Callinicus

    Freedman, priest and antistes in Ostia.
  • Syndexios

    Marcus Umbilius Kriton

    Patronus of the corpus lenunculariorum tabulariorum auxiliariorum Ostiensium.
  • Syndexios

    Gaius Rufius Euctatus

    Pater Patrum at Vieu (Valromey)
  • Syndexios


    Probably the Pater of the Mithraeum of Ostia which bears his name.
  • Notitia

    Re-interpreting the Mysteries of Mithras

    Ernest Renan suggested that without the rise of Christianity, we might all have embraced the cult of Mithras. Nevertheless, it has had a lasting influence on secret societies, religious movements and popular culture.
  • Notitia

    The MITHRA Project

    Laurent Bricault has revolutionised Mithraic studies with the exhibition The Mystery of Mithras. Meet this professor in Toulouse for a fascinating look at the latest discoveries and what lies ahead.
  • Monumentum

    Inscription of Mitreo Aldobrandini by Sextus

    This inscription found in the Mithraeum Aldobrandini informs us of certain restorations carried out in the temple during a second phase of development.

    TNMM568 – CIMRM 233

    Deum vetusta religione / in velo formatum et umore obnubi/latum marmoreum cum / throno omnibusq(ue) ornamentis / a solo omni impendio suo fecit / Sex(tus) Pompeius Maximus pater / q(uod) s(upra) s(cr…
  • Monumentum

    Inscription of Fructosus in Ostia

    The inscription is carved into two pieces of marble cornice.

    TNMM450 – CIMRM 228

    [L. Ag]rius Fructosus patron(us) corp(orationis) s[tupp(atorum), te]mpl(um) et spel(aeum) Mit(hrae) a solo sua pec(unia) feci(t).
  • Monumentum

    Fresco scene from Mitreo of Santa Maria Capua Vetere

    Fresco showing a scene of initiation into the mysteries of Mithras in the Mithraeum of Santa Maria Capua Vetere.

    TNMM234 – CIMRM 188

  • Monumentum

    Mosaics from Mitreo degli Animali

    Several figures related to the Mysteries of Mithras are depicted on the mosaics of the Mithraeum of the Animals.

    TNMM168 – CIMRM 279

  • Monumentum

    Cippus from the Mitreo delle Pareti Dipinte

    This small monument bear the inscriptions of a certain Caelius Ermeros, antistes at the Mithraeum of the Painted Walls.

    TNMM583 – CIMRM 269

    C. Caelius E[r]/meros / antis/tes h[ui]/us loc[i] / fecit / s(ua) p(ecunia).
  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo del caseggiato di Diana

    The Mithraeum of the House of Diana was installed in two Antonine halls, northeast corner of the House of Diana, in the late 2nd or early 3rd century.

    TNMM5 – CIMRM 216

  • Monumentum

    Cautes and Cautopates of Ostia found in 1939

    This marble of Cautes was found together with his partner Cautopates in Ostia in 1939.

    TNMM657 – CIMRM 296, 297

  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo delle Sette Sfere

    The Mithraeum of the Seven Spheres is of great importance for the understanding of the cult, because of its black-and-white mosaics depicting the planets, the zodiac and related elements.

    TNMM9 – CIMRM 239

  • Monumentum

    Relief of Silvanus

    This 3rd century marble relief of Silvanus is the only sculpture found in Mitreo Aldobrandini.

    TNMM627 – CIMRM 236

  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo del Palazzo Imperiale

    A mosaic of Silvanus, dated to the time of Commodus, was found in a niche in a nearby room of the Mithraeum in the Imperial Palace at Ostia.

    TNMM97 – CIMRM 250, 251

    Soli invict(o) Mit(hrae) d(onum) d(edit) L. Agrius Calendio.
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Pisa

    This white marble relief of Mithas killing the sacred bull was found embedded in the building of a noble family in Pisa.

    TNMM604 – CIMRM 663

  • Monumentum

    Mithraic brooch of Ostia

    In the Mithraic bronze brooch found in Ostia, Cautes and Cautopates have been replaced by a nightingale and a cock.

    TNMM369 – CIMRM 318