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Monuments to Mithras

Monuments, inscriptions and artefacts related to Mithras and his cult.

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  • Monumentum

    Mithraic stele from Alba Iulia

    Mithraic stele, from Alba Iulia, Romania, with inscription.

    TNMM257 – CIMRM 1937

    D(eo) S(oli) I(nvicto) M(ithrae) / pro salute inc/o{t}lumitate M(arci) Aur(eli) / Timotei et Aur(eli) M/aximi votum nun/cupavit solvitque / Euthyces eorum lib(ertus) / retulit.
  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo della domus dei capitelli

    Archaeologists discovered the 20th temple dedicated to Mithras in Ostia during the restoration of the domus del capitello di stucco in 2022.


  • Monumentum

    Mosaics from Mitreo degli Animali

    Several figures related to the Mysteries of Mithras are depicted on the mosaics of the Mithraeum of the Animals.

    TNMM168 – CIMRM 279

  • Monumentum

    Altar of Tihaljina

    This altar, discovered in Grude, near Tihaljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, bears an inscription by Pinnes, a soldier of the Cohors Prima Belgica.

    TNMM754 – CIMRM 1889

    D(eo) I(nvicto) M(ithrae) a[c Ge]/niis sac[r(orum)] / Augusto[r(um)] / Rus(---) Pin(nes) mi/les / co(hortis) prim(ae) / Bel(garum) immunis / libens merito / posuit.
  • Monumentum

    Inscription of Tarragona

    This fragment of the base of a statue from Tarragona, Spain, bears an inscription which appears to be dedicated to the invincible Mithras.

    TNMM743 – CIMRM 806

    [--- Invi]cto Mithra[e]….
  • Mithraeum

    Mithräum I von Güglingen

    Mithraeum I in Güglingen, Landkreis Heilbronn (Baden-Württemberg).


  • Monumentum

    Mithras with the bow

    A statue of Mithras with a bow was found on the pit of the Mithraeum of Dieburg.

    TNMM311 – CIMRM 1249

  • Monumentum

    Incensiary vessel of Dieburg

    The vessel to burn incense from the Mithraeum of Dieburg is similar to those found in other Roman cities of Germany.

    TNMM409 – CIMRM 1269

  • Monumentum

    Male figure with offerings from Dieburg

    A standing half naked man makes offerings to an altar while holding a cornucopia in his other hand.

    TNMM412 – CIMRM 1255, 1256

    D(eo) I(nvicto) M(ithrae) // Priscinius Sedulius / Primulus fratres / v(otum) s(olverunt) l(ibentes) l(aeti) m(erito).
  • Monumentum

    Statue of a mother goddess with child

    This unusual statue in Mithraic iconography of a mother nursing a child was found in the vestibule of the Mithraeum of Dieburg.

    TNMM647 – CIMRM 1262

  • Monumentum

    Altar of Hermadio from Tibiscum

    This altar was erected by Hermadio, who also signed other monuments in Dacia and even in Rome.

    TNMM579 – CIMRM 2153

    S(oli) I(nvicto) N(umini) M(ithrae) / pro salute / P(ubli) Ael(i) Mari / Hermadio / act(or) Turran(i) / Dii v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito).
  • Monumentum

    Iron sword and crown of Güglingen

    Several iron fragments found in the second mithraeum of Güglingen may have been used during mithraic ceremonies.


  • Monumentum

    Taurcotony of Nesce

    The relief of Mithras slaying the bull of Nersae includes several episodes from the exploits of the solar god.

    TNMM420 – CIMRM 650, 651

    Apronianus rei p(ublicae) ark(arius) sua pecunia fecit.
  • Monumentum

    Altar of Rufius Caeionius Sabinus

    In this 4th-century Roman altar, the senator Rufius Caeionius Sabinus defines himself as Pater of the sacred rites of the unconquered Mithras, having undergone the taurobolium.

    TNMM756 – CIMRM 522

    M(atri) d(eorum) m(agnae) I(daeae) et Attidi Menoturanno s(acrum). Nobilis in causis forma celsusq(ue) Sabinus Hie pater Invieti mystica victor habet, Sermo duos...... reservans Consimiles aufert…
  • Monumentum

    Heliodromus inscription of Cerveteri

    This inscription by a certain Memmius Placidus is the first ever found signed by a Heliodromus.


    [Deo Soli Invic]/[to Mi]thrae / [Mem]mius Pla/cidus helio/dromus sacr/atus a Curtio / Iuvenale patre / votum [solvit] / [libens merito].
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony on intaglio

    Large intaglio engraved with Mithras as bull slayer surrounded by a peculiar version of Cautes and Cautopates and other celestial deities.


  • Monumentum

    Intaglio with Tauroctony and Lion with bee

    This intaglio portrays Mithra slaying the bull on one side, and a lion with a bee, around seven stars, and inscription, on the other.

    TNMM546 – CIMRM 2354

  • Monumentum

    Altar of Adiectus from Carnuntum

    There is no consensus as to whether the altar of the slave Adiectus from Carnuntum is dedicated to a Mithras genitor of light.

    TNMM753 – CIMRM 1676

    D(eo) i(nvicto) M(ithrae) / Adiec(tus) / ser(vus) T(iberii) C(laudii?) v ... / gen(itori) lum(inis) / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) l(aetus) m(erito).
  • Monumentum

    Hekataion of Sidon

    The Hekataion of Sidon shows a triple Hekate surrounded by three dancing nymphs.

    TNMM305 – CIMRM 84, 85

    Φλ. Γερόντιος, πατὴρ νόμιμος, εὐχαριστῶν τὴν θέον ἀφιερωσάτω φʹ ἔτι.
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctonic medallion from Caesarea Maritima

    The small medallion depicts three scenes from the life of Mithras, including the Tauroctony. It may come from the Danube area.
