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Monuments to Mithras

Monuments, inscriptions and artefacts related to Mithras and his cult.

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  • Monumentum

    Slab with inscription by Publilius Ceionius of Cirta

    This inscription shows that Publilius Ceionius, most distinguished man, dedicated a temple to Mithras at Mila, in the modern Constantina, Algeria.

    TNMM772 – CIMRM 129

    Spel(a)eum cum [sig]/nis et omamen[tis] / Publilius Ceion[ius] / Caecina Albinu[s v(ir) c(larissimus)].
  • Mithraeum

    Mitreo dell’Esquilino

    In a house from the time of Constantine, a Lararium was found with a statue of Isis-Fortuna. The Mithraeum was a door next to it, on a lower room.

    TNMM83 – CIMRM 356

  • Monumentum

    Inscription by Aurelius Rufinus of Andros

    This inscription reveals the existence of a Mithraeum on the island of Andros, Greece, which has not yet been found.

    TNMM624 – CIMRM 2350

    Pro salute imp(eratoris) Caesari(s) / L(uci) Septimi Severi et M(arci) Aur(eli) Antonini / Aug(ustorum) et P(ubli) Septimi Gaetae Caesari(s) / M(arcus) Aur(elius) Rufinus evocatus Aug(ustorum) n(ostro…
  • Monumentum

    Altar by Florus from El Gahara

    This altar is dedicated to the god Sol Invictus Mithras by a certain Florus, a veteran of the Legio III Augusta.

    TNMM780 – CIMRM 153

    [deo] Soli invicto / Mithrae / [Gel?]lius Florus / [vet(eranus?)] leg(ionis) III aug(ustae) / ... us Pastor / [si]g(nifer) al(ae) I Pa[nn(oniorum] / [Pom]ponius Ma/[xi]mus b(ene)f(iciarius) / [co] (n)…
  • Monumentum

    Inscriptions of Valerius Maximianus at Lambaesis

    These twin inscriptions found in the Mithraeum of Tazoult were dedicated by the legate Marcus Valerius Maximianus.

    TNMM505 – CIMRM 137

    Deo in/victo / Mithrae / sac(rum) / M. Val(erius) Maximianus / leg(atus) aug(usti) pr(o)pr(aetore).
  • Monumentum

    Altar by Valerius Maximianus from Apulum

    This monument bears an inscription to Mithras by a well-known general of the Roman Empire.

    TNMM506 – CIMRM 1950

    [Soli ? or Deo ?] invicto / Mitrae / M(arcus) Val(erius) Maxi/mianus / leg(atus) Aug(usti) / v(otum) s(olvit).
  • Monumentum

    Altar by Celsianus from Lambaesis

    This altar found in Lambèse, now Tazoult, Algeria, bears the inscription of a certain Celsianus for the health of two men to the god Sol Unconquered Mithras.


    Deo Soli / Invicto / Mithr(a)e / pro salute et / incolumitate / C(ai) Fabi Fabiani / Vetili Luciliani / leg(ati) Aug(usti) pr(o) pr(aetore) c(larissimi) v(iri) / Celsianus act(or) et not(arius) v(otum…
  • Mithraeum

    Mithraeum of Lambaesis

    The Mithraeum of Tazoult / Lambèse is one of the best preserved Mithras’s temples in Africa.


  • Monumentum

    Altar by Florus from Lambaesis

    This altar, found in Tazoult تازولت, Algeria, was dedicated to the god Sol Mithras by a certain Florus.


    D(eo) S(oli) I(nvicto) M(ithrae) / Val(erius) Florus / v(ir) p(erfectissimus) p(raeses) p(rovinciae) N(umidiae) M(ilitianae) / ex voto / posuit.
  • Mithraeum

    Mithraeum of Eleusis

    A Mithraeum has been identified in Eleusis where the last Hierophant form thespia had the rank of Father in the Mithraic Mysteries.


  • Monumentum

    Candelabrum of Caernarfon

    The Caernarfon candelabrum is a reconstruction of several iron pieces found in the Mithraeum of Caernarfon.


  • Monumentum

    Inscription by Numidius Decens from Lambaesis

    This inscription by a certain Numidius Decens was found in the Forum of Lambaesis, now Tazoult تازولت in Algeria.

    TNMM777 – CIMRM 136

    Invicto d[eo] Mithrae d[ed(it)?] P. Numidi[us] / Decen[s].
  • Monumentum

    Inscription of Aphrodisius

    This inscription by a certain Aphrodisius was found under the old city hall of Algiers.

    TNMM536 – CIMRM 151

    Mithrae / Aphrodisius / Corneliorum / v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) a(nimo).
  • Monumentum

    Inscription by Decimus from Lambaesis

    Slab found at Tazoult-Lambèse dedicated to the Unconquered god Sol Mithras by the governor of Numidia Marcus Aurelius Decimus.


    Invicto deo Soli / Mithrae Decimus v(ir) p(erfectissimus) p(raeses) / p(rovinciae) Numidiae votum solvit / decentius feliciter.
  • Monumentum

    Altar from Ain-Zana

    This altar was dedicated by a certain Marcus Aurelius Decimus to Sol Mithras and other gods in Diana, Numibia, present Argelia.

    TNMM775 – CIMRM 140

    Iovi optimo / maximo luno/ni reginae Min/ervae sanctae / Soli Mithrae / Herculi Mar/ti Mercurio / genio loci di/is deabusque / omnibus M/arcus Aureli/us Decimus v(ir) p(erfectissimus) p(raeses) / p(ro…
  • Monumentum

    Altar by Marcus Aurelius Sabinus

    This altar to the god Sol invicto Mithra was erected by a legate during Maximin’s reign in Lambaesis, Numidia.

    TNMM616 – CIMRM 134

    Deo Sol(i) in/victo Mi/thrae / M. Aurel(ius) / M(arci) f(ilius) Sergi/s Carnu/nto Sabi/nus prae/fect(us) leg(ionis) / III aug(ustae) p(iae) v(indicis) / Maximi/nianae v(otum) s(olvit) l(ibens) m(erito…
  • Monumentum

    Tauroctony of Velletri

    The Tauroctony found in Velletri, Rome, bears an inscription from its owner and donor.

    TNMM307 – CIMRM 208, 209

  • Monumentum

    Relief of Mithras, Shapur II and Ardashit II

    This monument depicts Mihr/Mithras watching over the transition of power from Shapur II to Ardashit II, which took place in 379.


  • Mithraeum

    Mithraeum of Dura Europos

    The most emblematic of the Syrian Mithraea was discovered in 1933 by a team led by the Russian historian Mikhaïl Rostovtzeff.

    TNMM34 – CIMRM 34

  • Monumentum

    Randazzo Vecchio

    This marble sculpture from Sicily, known as the Randazzo Vecchio or Rannazzu Vecchiu, contains some essential elements of the Mithraic Aion, the lion-headed god.
